"Pine and Oak Alley, The Love of a Father"

On the banks of the Teche, on the outskirts of old Petit Paris (St. Martinville, LA), there is an alley of Pine and Oak trees planted by Monsieur Charles Durand...beneath the trees, one of the grandest weddings ever to be held in Louisiana took place. Little did Monseir Durand know that this wedding he gave his two daughters would be relived time and time again in history books, newspaper articles, and magazines for generations to come! Nor did he know, that this "alley" of his beloved trees would become an historical landmark today! A man after his two daughters hearts, left a story to be told, that would touch generations to come! He was a wealthy man, but he shared his love of "extravagance" with his entire Petis Paris community that remarkable night under the Pines and Oaks!

.........A "Collection" of Stories and History ........

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sydnie Mae Durand, In Memory

"She was a hardworking women that served her community after retirement through many organizations. She also was the first women to serve as State Representative for the State of Louisiana. She held that office for 16 years. Her actions spoke louder than words. And will be remembered forever by the lives she touched." Monica Durand

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